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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon EOS 350D

Canon EOS 350D SLR Digital Camera Sample Photos

Also known as Canon EOS Kiss Digital N in Japan.
Also known as Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT
v3/87/331787/3/50371417.eos350dslvangle.jpgv3/87/331787/3/50371272.eos350dblkfront.jpgv3/87/331787/3/50371418.eos350dslvback.jpgv3/87/331787/3/50371419.eos350dslvtop.jpgmore photos
Marketed: 17-Feb-2005
Lens Mount: EF
Megapixels: 8
Random Canon EOS 350D Samples from 537473 available Photos more
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Guest 17-Nov-2008 05:17
Guest 01-Feb-2008 06:00
I love this camera body. I've taken quite a few pictures from this?

You can see examples here:
Guest 15-Jan-2008 13:53
New List
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Guest 13-Jan-2008 19:00
Top Professional Digital SLR Cameras
1. Nikon D3
2. Nikon D2Xs
3. Canon 1Ds Mark 3
4. Canon 1D Mark 3

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1. Nikon D300
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3. Canon 5D
4. Canon 40D
5. Fuji S5 Pro
6. Canon 30D
7. Nikon D80
8. Pentax K10D
9. Nikon D40x
10. Canon 400D
Eldar Kadymov12-Jan-2008 23:29
Message for "Pbaseforsubir"

I just wanted to share some ideas on improving situation with your focusing system on 350D. Here's what I reccomend;

1. Check camera first via Canon service, it might be not calibrated and sensor sits a bit off ideal focal plane.
2. Looks like your lenses are from older 35 mm era and outdated generation, not "digitally" upgraded. Sorry to say that, but you shall always have troubles with your focusing system nevermind optical quality. New generation of digitally integrated Canon lens has superior to 35 mm optics glass and assembly quality. My advise would be to sell your lens and buy newer ones. You will be stunned by drastic improvement in quality of your images and , especially, sharpness.
3. Try to always shoot with central focus point, because you might simply engage wrong focus point by accident or whatever. Set you camera to central focus point and then experiment.
4. Always ensure that you observe rule; "1= or more than 1". Here is what this stands for;
your shutter speed should be always equal or greater than focal ditance of your lens. For example, if you shoot at 200 mm focal distance set on your lens, your shutter speed should be no slower than 1/200 sec or better faster, something like 1/400 sec or greater number.
Or if focal distance is 55 mm then shutter speed should be no sloweer than 1/55 sec or better faster like 1/100 sec or greater number.
Very important is to have image stabilized lens, Canon has lots of lenses to offer. This will give you an advantage of shooting at slower speeds and still have clear and crispy image. These lenses are expensive , but you get quality you pay for. Look at this image and see what image stabiliser can do. I would've never made this image at 240 mm and crazy 1/20 sec if my camera did not have image stabiliser. See this site for lens recommendations . The only lens I would not recommend to buy is Canon 18-85 mm USM IS, it's very soft. My advise would be to start with Tamron 18-250 ( does not have IS, though )and then buy some long-zoom image stabilised lens. At $450 this lens won't ruin your budget but you shall see dramatic increase in quality of your shots.
5. Your file sizes look very small for 8 Mp camera. Check first that you're shooting at highest quality level JPEG, and then set camera to RAW+JPEG ( 350D has this option in menus ) and then experiment with both of them and see if there is any difference. Normally your highest qulaity JPEG file on 350D should be somewhere around 3.2 Mb, whereas RAW file should be around 6-8 Mb in size.
6. In any case, always try to exercise firm and steady grip to minimize camera shaking and ensure minimal amount of camera movement while taking the shot.

Good luck and cheers !
Guest 28-Dec-2007 14:06
I have taken thousands of snaps in Canon 350D XT. I am not getting the photos with sharp focus if I take it in RAW mode or in other modes. Only one mode is available in the camera which gives the sharply focused output. But in that case, the Image size becomes only from 1.7 MB. to 1.8 MB.
I have used 28-300mm Tamron Lens and the 28-55mm Canon lense.
Can anybody suggest me how I can gey a sharp focus in RAW mode?
Eldar Kadymov08-Dec-2007 23:54
As I previously mentioned and advised all Canon worshippers like yourself Mr. Ali, who have not a slightest clue about photography, you were more than welcome to visit my galleries and challenge my images taken by cameras equipped exclusively by CCDs. You surely won't, as you have 0 (!) postings on your site, so it's so far more convenient to bark in the dark rather than provide meaningful examples and defend your opinion one way or another. I bet any money you won't make better shots than I even with Nikon D2X equipped with CMOS. As for manufacturers switching to CMOSes in recent releases of newest cameras, let me give a quick lesson about nowadays technology;
1. Once megapixel count goes past 10 Mp you have no choice but to switch to CMOS if you keep the same size of sensor, due to uncontrolled amount of noise coming from the cells. CMOS does not need as much energy to generate output as CCD does, thus digital signal per pixel does not generate extra heat which is source of noise and the results are lot cleaner.
2. Sony A100 and Nikon D80 have been equipped with 10 Mp CCDs, go check Pbase postings and you shall see that the images from these cameras are far superior to Canon 400D in any respect especially when it comes to sharpness. The reason ? Once again, CCD is superior sensor, also more expensive in production than CMOS, and it' such a shame that this sensless megapixel race and cost down phylosophy of major brands sacrifices this technology while fooling people around. Check images database for Nikon 70Ds, hopefully you shall get some idea.
3. Since everybody is switching to Live View on DSLRs, one should use CMOS for the same reason as per lesson #1. CMOS does not heat up as much as CCD during the life preview, consequently the final result is less noise affected.
And last, but not the least; I would rather value fresh , independent and not brainwashed approach to exchanging ideas on the forums, otherwise you all sound like abstracts from bullshit Canon commercials and alike. Earn skills to take great pictures first, prove your point with them secondly, and then have guts to participate in civilized polemics. Up until then better keep your mouth shut !
Guest 30-Oct-2007 23:45
With regard to Eldar's comments about this camera... I guess its the reason why so many major DSLR makers are moving over to CCD as opposed to CMOS. Oh hold on, its the other way round! Stupid Nikon and Sony. Maybe Eldar knows something they dont? What a load of baseless tripe!
Andrys Basten29-Jul-2007 12:24
I bought my Rebel XT just before a trip to Italy in May 2006 -- the photos are at -- and used it with the Canon 70-300mm lens only,
using my point and shoot for wider angle shooting. By design, it doesn't do as much
sharpening in-camera as do the point & shoots and it doesn't do over-vivid color
in-camera but it's all there when you're ready to do the adjustments in a photo editing
program. It's a nice way of avoiding the usual over-sharpening and halo-effects seen
from many point & shoots as well as the exaggerated color that some prefer but acts like
RAW in that you can bring these out very well if you want. Best, iso800 is often almost
noiseless, relatively speaking. The 70-300mm lens's image stabilization is excellent.
Guest 13-May-2007 21:40
Well Eldar. I think I will get personal. You talk b******Ks.
Guest 10-May-2007 08:29
Child, not far off, 22. I could really care less for which camera has the advanced electronics over the other. It is still a light tight box which carries a light snsative plane. I appologize if you thought I was attacking your photographic merit. I wasn't. I also wasn't stating that I am a better photographer than anyone. I could care less. I take pictures for myself and no-one else.
“My grandfather once told me that there are two kinds of people: those who work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the first group; there was less competition there.”

I ment no ill towards your person, only your comments. If you don't like them take them with a big grain of salt. If you want to argue that's alright by me, however; you cannot shake hands with clenched fists.
Eldar Kadymov09-May-2007 21:24
Message to Dick,

I went across your comments about my review of the camera and found them somewhat personal and very opinuated... You question my ability to set up white balance or other things on the camera as if I am rookie and first day in digital photography ? Well, look at my galleries and you might change your mind, as I would challenge any of your 350D images with mine taken by so-called "point and shoot" toys carrying tiny CCDs.

When I posted my comments, I spoke from personal experience and did not critique anybody else's, if you noticed. Moreover, I was very specific about my concerns and outlined them point by point in details.

I exchanged this 350D "celebrity" for the "dark horse" such as Pentax K100D which is also not without the flaws, yet it's far more advanced and better camera in any respect, except for, probably, higher noise at anything above ISO1600. Here is my remarks on Pentax which include a critique as well

Instead of going in to inargumented polemics, I would recommend you to come up with your personal observations highlighting leading edge technologies which bring 350D ahead of competition. Then it will look like meaningful forum, otherwise you sound like a child from whom this bad guy Eldar took his teddy bear and smashed it against the wall.

And, when you are going to produce with your 350D anything superior to this taken by Nikon D70, let me know , I will extend my personal congratulations and we shall talk about inferiority of CCD to CMOS
Guest 30-Apr-2007 07:07
I absolutly LOVE this camera. It performs well under harsh condition, especially for being a low end model. I am quite confused by Eldars comment, as many of the cons are non-existant in my model. Maybe he got a lemon perhaps? I am really confused on one point, very poor WB, even when its custom. How is the camera's white balance poor on the custom setting? Maybe its the one whose customising the WB? But who am I to guess. This is a solid camera by any standards. As for CCD out performing CMOS, its appears as though someone has a bit of a brand loyalty issue going on. I'm sorry that you can't get all of the "auto" features to work the way you want them to. Try using the manual settings and make some discisions yourself. I must say though that your are a master of photoshop. Sorry to vent. But, this camera rocks and should be rightfully defended against slander of any kind :-)
Eldar Kadymov23-Mar-2007 19:20
Unlike all previous reviewers, I have a personal negative experience with this 350D, just like its predecessor 300D, is a true testament to all Canon’s failed attempts to create high-level prosumer fix lens camera which ended up with complete fiasco of Canon Pro 1. Canon finally realized that they do not possess a technology to compete with brands like Nikon, Sony and Olympus and simply gave up on trying. So, the strategy they selected was to involve as many keen amateurs and semi-pros in to market of DSLRs and high-grade prime lens. If you cannot afford 30D or 5D with professional quality L-series lens, you have no choice but to go for 350D or 400D with lousy kit lens, since you have nothing else to select from Canon brand. Offerings like Canon G7 and S3 are just a joke, sorry to disturb the owners, but let’s be open… And, I should admit, it’s very smart strategy, since sooner or later you realize that in order to see acceptable, just acceptable, results from 350D you have to move to top grade lenses. There is one thing to keep in mind though, there is nothing like a free lunch and this DSLR is not an exception from the rule… I tested this camera both with Canon 17-85 USM IS and Sigma 17-70 DC lenses and here are my findings and observations;


- Very poor WB, even when it’s custom, in any artificial lighting. Awkward manual balance setting procedure.
- Sharpening artifacts looking like course grain noise in blue spectrum of the skies even when camera’s sharpening is set to “0”.
- Yellowish or/and orange cast even when shooting in bright sunlight.
- Very soft images compliment to “wobbling” AF which never focuses consistently on the same focal point.
- Very inconsistent multi-matrix metering system. Blown highlights are common issue, as well as low dynamic range in shadow zones.
- Loss of fine details even at ISO400 never mind higher levels.
- Lifeless, digitally looking pictures with no 3D appeal which require substantial sharpening in PS causing further worsening of overall image quality. CMOS simply cannot compete with CCD, period.
- Poor ergonomics, cheesy materials and very cheap overall felling about construction of the camera.
- Small and dull LCD which does not display accurately an image in review mode.


Well, does it really matter after all said ? Nevertheless…

- Superb flash producing excellent skin tones and scene illumination
- Good battery life
Guest 28-Feb-2007 04:06
I have had the camera for about a week, it is my first DSLR and seems to be very easy to use and well worth the price. Here is one of my first shots:
Guest 29-Dec-2006 17:31
Think I might exchange my 2 Fuji`s for a Canon 350D..

Looks like a quality camera.
Guest 18-Dec-2006 02:16
Excellent camera. Definitely nice if going from film SLR to DSLR. Perfect size and weight. Feature set is excellent for the price and the images produced are excellent. Don't forget the importance of good glass!
Guest 15-Nov-2006 01:33
Here are some recent pictures I took un Calcutta, India with my 350D equipped with EF 17-40. There are a few Pentax K1000 film shots as well, but most of the pictures are taken with the Canon DSLR.
Comments, critiques, suggestions are welcome. All these pictures were shot in JPEG mode as I haven't still figured out how to use the RAW mode.


Guest 09-Oct-2006 14:35
A decnet DSLR for the price. It got me so hooked that I have since bought a 5D though!
Here is a gallery of some of my pictures taken with the 350D
Guest 22-Aug-2006 15:51
Great DSLR camera for it's price.
Guest 22-Aug-2006 07:08
Questions will always be asked whether this camera, despite its smallish physical dimensions, and lack of this feature and that feature, >> the question remains - is it capable of taking great pictures in the right hands? The obvious answer will be you'll find more bad pictures taken with this camera than good, and that's the case with any camera. At I attempt to link up to fantastic photos captured by 350D / Rebel XT owners, and I hope you enjoy their photography as much as I.
Guest 14-Jul-2006 12:58
Generally speaking Canon Rebel XT/350D is a very capable camera, it's far beyond the realm of an entry-level dSLR. However, it's not without flaws, some are fairly significant.

- Speed, speed, and speed...
- Low-priced and feature-packed camera that worth every penny
- Excellent Burst Mode, up to 9 shots at highest JPEG resolution
- ...

- Evaluative Metering often performs poorly; Center-Weighted Average is a better choice for normal shooting
- No true Spot-Metering. Only Partial-Metering instead ok though
- ...

More information:

Guest 08-Jul-2006 23:52
anyway,I love it!
But the most important is not the camera but yourself.
Terence Gui21-May-2006 05:56
I've had the 350D for close to 2 months now - I absolutely love it! It's main use is concert photography, but I use it for a lot of other types of shooting as well.

You simply can't beat the low-light performance of a dSLR.
Guest 16-May-2006 19:23
I love my Rebel..I am fairly new to photography and used to own an Olympus E-10 and compared to that this Rebel kicks ass! Easy to access to change settings...even starts up in under 2 secounds! A JOY!
Guest 02-May-2006 09:08
Got mine 3 days ago. The white balance indoors is horrible, one can only work with custom WB. The camera is great overall, but I already discovered dust on the sensor in mine, just one spec mostly visible when I use a teleconverter and small aperture, but enough to ruin the shot.
Guest 26-Apr-2006 01:13
Terrific camera, all around. The price is right and the features are hard to beat.
Yusuf Maulana05-Feb-2006 07:52
Gua pengen beli kamera ini cuman masih ngebandingin sama nikon d50 atau d70, wah pilih yg mana ya?
Guest 24-Dec-2005 03:11
Read all about the wonderful camera here !!!
Guest 24-Dec-2005 03:09
Rebel Canon Rules and a great price too!!!
Guest 24-Dec-2005 03:09
This is the best Canon SLR that I got, Kudos to CANON
Guest 24-Dec-2005 03:08
My Rebel XT Digital is the easiest SLR to use. It is light was perfect out of the box and a pleasure to use. I have both Canon And Sigma lenses that come with it. Shoots well in day and night situations. I will never buy anything but Canon Digital cameras again. Checkout my Canon pictures on I cant say anyting less about my Digital Rebel, it is truly a wonderful camera to work with.
Guest 08-Nov-2005 12:42
Jak ju¿ bym mia³ kupowaæ aparat to na pocz¹tek to napewno bym kupi³ ten model :D
Guest 16-Sep-2005 21:49
Mine is broken after I open the box. Canon won't return and exchange for me. Had to return it to the seller.
My suggestion is to wait a few month. The quality will be better and price will be lower.
Isabel Cutler03-Sep-2005 12:15
I bought the XT as a second body to use with my 20D. I was concerned that it would be difficult to switch back and forth between them because of differing settings. No problem!
Major difference is that it seems tiny compared to the 20D and it needs a hunky lens to feel comfortable in my little lady hands. Happily with my mature vision I find it easier to see the White Balance icons on the XT than on the 20D. I love the much quiet shutter release/mirror slap than that of the 20D. I really like the XT and am glad I bought it!
Isabel Cutler
karlc15-Aug-2005 07:18
All in all I am very pleased with this camera. The gallery Summer Dance 2005 has been photographed entirely with the 350d. The internal flash performed well in difficult light but I will purchase an external flash for more flexibility and use of lower ISO.
Guest 04-Aug-2005 16:36
excellent camera.. I just got my 350 2 weeks ago and boy was i amazed... I have used most camera makes professionally.. Fuji s2 pro, the Nikon 100 and d70,but this one takes the cake in image quality, colour tones and low noise in low light( especially the skin tones come out real smooth- just great for fashion and people). Started off the digital era with the sony dsc75 and then the 717 .But shifted to Canon with the g2 and with the advent of affordable SLR's tried the canon d60, . I used the350d i very wet and rainy weather and low light coditions and it has not dissappointed me. Increasingly becoming a canon freak :-), even though I have used the nikon for a long period.
Guest 11-Jul-2005 03:45
I am happy with my xt but the high iso's look pretty bad and canon should supply a cover for the LCD like nikon does for the d70
Guest 17-May-2005 20:10
I bought the 350D after being happy with the 300D for over a year. The improvements are major. The speed of startup is almost instantaneous, the transfer time to CF likewise. You can really overrun your flash; suggest using external lights. A major advantage is the quietness of the chip. You can use ISO 800 and ISO 1600! Just a little smoothing is all it takes (I used ISOX for that). PhotoshopCS does not support new Canon RAW but use RAWShooter for batch conversions. Great camera. Email me if you want more info. Ellsworth
Guest 04-May-2005 15:49
It's a great entry level DSLR camera especially for those who have used pocket / prosumer before. Image quality is comparable to the significantly more expensive EOS 20D at the trade of build quality.
Canon-300D17-Mar-2005 22:31
Your largest group resource devoted to the 350D, XT and all Canon Digital Rebel cameras.
Please see our GROUP WEBSITE at the following URL and join us:
Visitors are welcome to our World renown PBASE GALLERIES:
Anonymous 17-Mar-2005 02:05
Looks like the EOS 350D has really taken off! ;) It's a lovely camera both to look at and to hold in the hand. With the features of the EOS 10/20D but without the bulk and extra weight. It takes a really fine photo when coupled with the right lense. 8MPixels is big by any standards, but the 350D puts those pixels to good use. Nice one Canon!

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