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Nikon D700 Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 01-Jul-2008
Megapixels: 12.1
Random Nikon D700 Samples from 651560 available Photos more
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Rick_Jack21-Feb-2011 19:32
To answer the previous post, yes, the D700 would be great for fashion. But, regardless of what camera you use, the method of lighting is equally important. I am very pleased with my D700, my only complaint is I wish it were lighter and more compact. I own over 50 Nikkor lenses from 14mm to 600mm, MF & AF. I like the results that I'm getting better than friends who are using FF Canons. Older 50mm & longer focal length lenses work great, however, the same can't be said for wides. Nikon's newer AF-S lenses work better with a digital sensor, but the new line of fast prime wides are very expensive. If you want a D700, wait until they introduce the next FF body, prices will drop or you might like the newer one better.
zipperfoot10-Jan-2010 01:41
Would this be a good camera to shoot fashion with?
I'm pretty unfamiliar with Nikon and Nikkor lenses.
Nikkor lenses often seem to have this weird distortion and I've seen a lot of vignetting, even when they're not wide-angle lenses... I'm also not sure I like how the light is processed... someone want to change my mind? :D
A source with fashion photos taken with this camera would be immensely appreciated.
Guest 06-Jan-2010 03:25
D700 is, by far the best Nikon I´ve had.For the last 45 years I ever had a Nikon, regardless of funny cameras, or Big, expensive cameras in Hasselblad league.
I had no complains about cost of my D700 , it is a fair deal face what get from it.
My wish ? A Zoom AF Nikkor 18-200mm VR D , not as heavy as the VR 70-200 2,8
shahoff18-Nov-2009 01:09
Few updates on my gallery
Guest 05-Nov-2009 23:48
This is the best camera I had to date. Wouldn't change it for anything else. Now that this purchase is out of the way, it is time to get some glass :-)
Available Light Images06-Oct-2009 11:05
The best low noise camera on the market, certainly for the price...
nicoti21-Sep-2009 09:03
The Best D700
Guest 17-Aug-2009 22:04
Another D700 gallery of mine " Faces of Caribana "
Guest 09-Aug-2009 15:11
Why is it that D700 owners chronically place these tiny 640px and even 480px images? Maybe they've spent all their money on the camera and now cannot afford Pbase?
Guest 30-Jun-2009 08:44
Great camera!! Check out shots with Nikon D700 at my gallery:
Guest 25-May-2009 11:44
The D700 meters well with Zeiss lenses. Here are a few runway samples with my Zeiss 100mm F2 Makro Planar.
Guest 14-Apr-2009 17:29
I recently purchased a D700 and couldn't be happier. This is my first Nikon and my first full frame sensor. The results are great. Best thing - no worries about noise. I can shoot at 200 ISO or 2500 ISO. The images are excellent in either case. I have the 24-70mm f2.8 and the 105mm f2.8 Macro so far. More to come.
Guest 18-Mar-2009 03:34
- Precise focus and Quick focus with 51 points of focus
- precise White balance
- Low noise when high ISO (take photo at night without stand with ISO2500, can obtain acceptable photo).
- To take bugs photo with 180mm macro lens (e.g. sigma 180mm macro), easy to take best photo even without stand

- No CF card lock
- Shape of body is bad than D200
singapore_photographer16-Mar-2009 23:39
it's ability to handle low level available light with low noise is a great plus...
Don Benson Photography25-Jan-2009 15:35
I have had the d700 for a few weeks now. Yes high ISO shots are incredibly clean compared to my d300. But low ISO in the studio i think are much better than the d300, they are cleaner, sharper and the colour is much better than the d300.Yes the price is high but i searched e-bay for a few weeks and got mine $800 ( aus ) cheaper than the shop price and $400 cheaper than the average e-bay price. Highly recommended camera.
Guest 23-Jan-2009 21:16
I can't afford the mfker. That's my main gripe.
Juan Jose Reyes22-Jan-2009 19:45
Jay: The D700 is an FX or full frame format camera as opposed to the D300 which is a DX. Fx allows you to use a lenses in their true focal range, not cropped. For example I have a 24-85 mm that becomes a 36-128mm when used in the D300 but it is a true 24-85 in FX, therefore giving me wide angle. If you are shooting at low ISO then the quality in images is about the same, which is fantastic in either camera, but at high ISO's the D700 is clearly superior.
DaRrEn ThE20-Jan-2009 16:06
D700 FX
D300 DX
Jay Levin20-Jan-2009 07:52
All of the reviews that I have read say that at low ISO's the image quality of the D700 is the same as that of the D300. So if you are a landscape photographer (and therefore using a tripod at a low ISO), why upgrade to a D700?
DaRrEn ThE12-Jan-2009 14:23
One of the Best

"Baby D3"
Guest 31-Dec-2008 20:09
If anyone is interested to see the noise performance compared to the D200 I did some shots the other day, they are all at full size, though I used the DX crop of the D700.

HMCS Uganda31-Dec-2008 10:30
I guess it is time to retire my F5 and get a D700, check this F5 vs D700 test!
Don Benson Photography23-Dec-2008 08:02
Does anyone have some studio shots using the d700? would love to see some.
Guest 10-Dec-2008 23:54
Made several test photos with my new D700 (out of camera, no editing). Performs excellent under low light conditions, compared to my old D200. ISO 1600 is no problem at all, and 3200 in B&W is superbe. There are rumors about new D700 with 24mp, but if you dont want to wait, the D700 is a great camera. With a 24-70mm you never want something else (unless they can make something less heavy).

Guest 14-Nov-2008 13:47
This is another great stuff from Nikon after the introduction of D3.
Guest 10-Nov-2008 05:08
Great equipment and nice color. Please visit my gallery
Guest 03-Nov-2008 16:13
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Guest 03-Nov-2008 16:13
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Guest 28-Oct-2008 18:09
I am so impressed and want to buy one in Dec-Jan, when my budjet is balanced. I already have the D300, so the new addition will complement each.
Guest 26-Oct-2008 14:22
We agree, Lou. Nikon should build a non-ai/ai 35mm x 35mm (square) sensor camera without autofocus at budget, and as you say a 100% view prism viewfinder. I'd opt for a small screen to check the shot over even a lightmeter, though. More intuitive. My mountain bike and road bike don't have suspension or gears. That's how I like it. Why can't I have the equivalent in my camera? The marketing is nuts. Digital cameras are starting to look like Microsoft Office.
Guest 26-Oct-2008 09:06
We agree, Lou. Nikon should build a non-ai/ai 35mm x 35mm (square) sensor camera without autofocus at budget, and as you say a 100% view prism viewfinder. I'd opt for a small screen to check the shot over even a lightmeter, though. More intuitive. My mountain bike and road bike don't have suspension or gears. That's how I like it. Why can't I have the equivalent in my camera? The marketing is nuts. Digital cameras are starting to look like Microsoft Office.
Lou Giroud19-Oct-2008 10:56
I had intention to buy one, just, evolution is too fast and when I see what comes on the market now, I just wait. Give me a D700 Lite, no live view, no large hi pixel lcd screen, no D-Lighting and so on. Just a simple dslr, where I look trough the finder at 100% field coverage and without 8 frames per second facility and at a price of 1200$, then I buy one. Probabely the next generations will have hdmi TV video facilities, built in phone and skype connection, radar detector for the raod and so on. DO WE NEED THAT ? while my goal is just to use a good old Reflex camera with a clean digital sensor at correct price.
Guest 13-Oct-2008 07:20
I must say. The D700 is giving amazing results. Unfortunately I am too poor to buy one.
Guest 26-Sep-2008 20:35

here are some shots that are done with D700, i think this is a great camera and great addition to the NIKON arsenal.
Guest 04-Sep-2008 18:09
It is an oligopolistic funk. I've threatened to switch back to all manual lenses without light metering, and with this insanity it's becoming increasingly attractive. This week I found a Tokina 12-24mm with its autofocus gearing broken for $150. Proving to be a fine manual focus lens on the D50.
Lou Giroud04-Sep-2008 13:19
Pierre is right, why put a dozen of modells on the market that have all the same sensors, 2 with FX, 4 with 10 mpix dx, 2 with 12 mpix dx and an end is not in view.
They should make a 6.1 consumer and a Pro, a 10 prosumer and a Pro and a 12 mpix prosumer and a Pro and the same with FX. There was indeed no real need to make an FX in D200 body, all that was needed was an affordable FX in the 500 to 750$ pricerange. It is not understandable that the do no Pro High-end camera in 6.1DX anymore. Here the resolution seems not good enough anymore while on the FX the same pixel density is now the top. If we analize the situation, a Pro and a simple consumer FX is enough of it anyway. All other stuff will disappera anyway sooner or later. Making the D300 was a waiste of time in some way followed by the D90. Note that Canon is on 15 mpix now, so lets wait and see if in 6 month or less all our "new" stuff becomes trowaway items again.
Guest 02-Sep-2008 16:21
Lou is right. Camera makers should build a basic manual everything raw/jpg-shooting FX for $500. Before that I'm sticking with my D50. And if it's broken I'll buy a D80 used, by that time for under $400. I'm not falling for the money-sucking cr$p any further.
Lou Giroud02-Sep-2008 06:22
Thanks for posting first shots of Nikon D90, one can down 39 of them and see the preview on as well.
Nice camera Nikon has made again. Unfortunately there is no reason to save 450$ on a D300 to get an expensive prosumer unit with lower end AF system, 96% viewfinder, no weather seals, and for the rest almost same stuff then on a D300. The D90 is 300$ too expensive compared to a D300 and a D700 is 800$ to expensive compared to a D300 and a D3 is 700$ too expensive compared to a D700. Nikon's price politics go in a way one can't understand. If I had been them I would make all models with 1000$ difference on each other, the choice would then be easy to do. We will finish by having a bunch of cameras which do all the same good picture and for that, the cheapest of the bunch will be the best one. When business gets more important then reason such things happen .....
Devilgorgor30-Aug-2008 22:45
Devilgorgor30-Aug-2008 22:43
samples from Nikon D90 lol:
shahoff24-Aug-2008 21:44
Just Superb Camera. I am upgraded from D300 and found huge improvment in low light perfomance. Finaly all my lenses working as expected. I am permanently updating my gallery with fresh D700 shoot samples:
Guest 22-Aug-2008 15:34
Compared to a D300, the noise really is much lower in this camera by 1-2 stops realistically. iso400 on the D300 seems to be similar to iso1600 on the D700, which is really great for action shots when using the auto-iso feature to keep shutter speed high. I bought this camera thinking my low-light action shots would be more crisp, and they are. Some people are trying to debate the high-iso abilities of full frame cameras but if you look at some of the shots from the Olympics, several D3 shooters are up at 2000iso to keep shutter speed high, and you definitely can't shoot that with a DX camera and expect to get shots for publication. Also I thought autofocus on the D300 was really fast until I shot with the lightning fast D700. Continuous focus with 3d-tracking is in the feature set of D300 and D700, but is much faster and more precise with D700. Dynamic range so far seems to be moreso in the lens than in the camera, but expect the D700 to have somewhat of an edge here too. The first thing I noticed was how tight the lens mount is compared to the D300, where there is some slop, maybe just in my D300, but noticeable nonetheless. BUT, I don't think the quality of the shots is any better than with the same high-end glass on a D300. Full frame isn't really any different, other than the fact that my pack just got much heavier with the assortment of super high-end lenses. Using such lenses disables the use of fill flash from the pop-up on the camera, as huge shadows appear on the lower 1/2 of the frame. Also, the crop multiplier on the D300 is really great for extending zoom range. As far as wide angle goes, my 10.5 DX fisheye on the D300 is just as sharp and contrasty as any lens I've ever used. I now find myself stuck in a situation where I need to sell one of the cameras and can't decide which one.
Guest 15-Aug-2008 19:03
Well since PBase is still not yet showing samples here is another recent D700 gallery of mine taken with the 24-70. This is the annual Roger's Chinese Lantern Festival in Toronto. The buidings and characters are lifesize. The colours are as you see them as it gets dark and the lights within go on.
Guest 14-Aug-2008 16:22
The more I play with my new D700 the more convinced I am that it worth every penny I paid for it and more. I Set up my ISO to "auto iso" = H 1.0 and minimum shutter speed = 1/60th and mode into "P" and the camera does magic... normal shade ambient no back lit = 1/100, f7, iso 1000 it is magic. A 3200 or 6400 ISO seems like 200 ISO with my ex-girlfriend (Olympus E-1). Thanks NIKON
Lou Giroud14-Aug-2008 03:03
Pierre Rousseau said it. NOISE. Pierre, there is no magic in digital. Even a D3 shot at 3200 or 6500 iso shows moise and thus coulored grain. I have tested the D3 and the D700 will do the same. A D3, shot in the dark with more then 1000 iso will show colored noise, just, the expeed system Nikon uses to rework the shot make out of it a great noiseless shot. The fact that Nikon uses a large pixel sensor with low pixel density gives them here an advantage and if Canon was going just to redo the ineer life of the 5D witha better body, they can do as good and even better. Some people claim the D300 not to have noise up to 1500 iso. I have seen shot on pbase taken and postetd in full size with hell of a noise.
All depends how you set the parameters of noise reduction and D-Ligthing in the camera. Note that a D70 or a D200 and just any other camera shoots noiseless in the full daylight at 1600 iso as well. Note that I have reworked some of my old shots made with the D70 using the new Nikon Capture NX2 and here it becomes quite fast clear where the problem is ; software people, only software, and that is exactly what is progressing in the newer gear.
Sensors are what they are and unless someone finds a new system, they keep cooking with the same stuff anyway.
Guest 12-Aug-2008 13:34
I don't know who to believe. Some members' D700 iso-3200 shots have seriously clumpy color artifacts in the out-of-focus shadowed backgrounds, even in a much reduced image, while others who claim they shot at iso-3200 it's all smooth.
Tony and Beth Maxey12-Aug-2008 06:15
The D700 has everything that is important to me from the D3 is in the D700 and for significantly less money. I've only just begun to try it out but I love it. Here's a small gallery of the very few 'test shots' I've had time to take.
scorpius10-Aug-2008 15:14
Took the D700 to the Grand Canyon. No doubt does well as a landscape camera:) Some shots here:
Lou Giroud05-Aug-2008 10:56
the 24-120 VR is quite a good lens for all-round use. It has not too bad corner sharpness but is somewhat kinky and cheepie build. The drawing is soft, so if you expect razor-sharp pictures you're out of the game. Generaly the shots are quite warm and smooth. I like that kind of pictures since they do not look as cut out with a cutter, one of digital photography's major problems.
The best lens you can put on D3 at reasonable price is the Tokina ATX 235 20-35/2.8. Only problem, find one ?, since they are discontinued. That lens outperforms Nikon's similar lenses without any problems in sharpness and build. They are concrete solid and cheep.
Some elder Tokinas like the ATX 287 ProSV 28-70/2.8 and the allround ATX 242 24-200 are hughe lenses. One of my friends uses the 24-200 on D3 and would not change to anything else.
Guest 04-Aug-2008 18:49
I just bought my D700 from B & H and haven't receive it yet, I ordered the Nikkor 24-120mm VR lens.... anybody with experience with this lens. Also what about some Sigma lenses for this camera.... does anybody combine Sigma lenses and D3?
Guest 04-Aug-2008 18:07
I just bought my D700 from B & H and haven't receive it yet, I ordered the Nikkor 24-120mm VR lens.... anybody with experience with this lens. Also what about some Sigma lenses for this camera.... does anybody combine Sigma lenses and D3?
Guest 03-Aug-2008 21:11
Cant stress this enough. I will not need another DSLR until the D700 breaks down. Its that good. THE perfect DSLR. Kind of like when you used to keep a film camera for years and years. No need to upgrade in a year or two for me as 12MP is plenty for my needs and the body, IQ, feel, high ISO is perfect. All I will ever need. On the fence? JUST GET IT. If you are a serious amateur, hobbyist with $$ or pro this camera will motivate you, and improve your shooting. Best $3k I have ever spent.

scorpius02-Aug-2008 05:23
took the new D700 to Las Vegas. Does well with the 14-24 and 70-200. I'm going to wear this camera out yet:)
Lou Giroud31-Jul-2008 13:50
note that i will get my D700 next month as well.
Lou Giroud31-Jul-2008 13:49
I could NOT go back to the 5D now or ever.

this is a wise statement and there is no reson to go back. Despite of the 5D's better sharpness and finer drawing, one need to remind that she is a few years back in time and Canon will have hard to challenge the D700 in technolgy. I do not even think that Canon had to replace the 13 mpix capture device which is hella good, even for a successor to the 5D. But, as the strategy of Canon was allways to put in their next lower consumer gear the chip of their previous flagship, we will find the 16 mpix of the 1DSmk2 in the next edition 5Dmk2 or 6D.
Let's just wait and see if the technology will be able to beat Nikon's magnificent layout and for sure, will she be able to compete in price and quality. This time a cheep expensive piece of plastic will probabely not do the job ....
Guest 31-Jul-2008 12:55
I have no words ! A dream come true :)
Guest 30-Jul-2008 16:53
The D700 is about - to the IQ of the 5D and better in color and AWB. The 5D appears sharper OOC but crank the sharpness in the D700 up and you get the same detail if using a good lens. I shot both extensively. I now own the D700 and am 100% happy. I could NOT go back to the 5D now or ever.
Lou Giroud30-Jul-2008 12:15
This camera is a huge all in one package packed with an amazing technology, one major reason to buy it. Just ask myself what makes now the price difference in a D3. Double shutter life guaranteed and a 5x4 crop and a frame per second more, not much they give you for almost 2000$. On the other side, despite of all good shooting performances in low light and high iso rates, she is still not able to compete in sharpness and picture performance with a Canon 5D which still makes the better picture in quality all over, like all Canons compared to Nikons. What gives Nikon a far advantage to Canon is the perfect handling of their cameras and the much more quality per $ you get from them. here, Canon needs a long way to go. Handling and ease to use, excellent AF and ability to balance pictures in a perfect way are those qualities that make me use Nikons for more then 45 years now in film and digital.
J A L 30-Jul-2008 06:05
This camera has the same image processing engine, same sensor, same AF system, and same performance features as the $5,000 Nikon D3, but at a much lower cost and in a much smaller and lighter physical package. Here is the ultimate full-frame 35mm DSLR travel camera, photojournalist camera, and sports camera all in a compact camera package.

With its auto ISO feature, this compact gem also makes the perfect point & shoot camera for those who just want to put it in Program mode or Auto Aperture mode to shoot kids or pets. It even has a pop-up flash that can add some gentle fill to those indoor shots.
Guest 29-Jul-2008 05:31
This camera is the absolute best DSLR under $4500 you can buy. Above the D300 and 5D (I owned them all) and the IQ and high ISO is just spectacular. ready to shoot in the dark? Anyway, here is my 1st shots gallery:
lougr29-Jul-2008 03:09
Hmm. I wonder what entitles you to reduce this to a $3000 point and shoot. For daily snaps. Do you have one?
Guest 28-Jul-2008 23:13
This is a sweet camera!!!!! The high ISO low noise is great. Check out some shots at my D700 gallery.
Guest 28-Jul-2008 02:31
It's nice camera for daily snap. the shutter response is not that fast if compare to "D Flapship" series.
The Trial Capture NX2 is great. Much better than NX1, more user friendly...

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