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Stan Schutze | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Jennifer Roth 22-May-2023 14:26
Amazing work 👏 it was a pleasure meeting & working with you, looking forward to next time!
Channing's List29-Oct-2018 03:40
Your galleries are so amazing keep adding more material.
Guest 06-Aug-2018 21:53
lovely work! it would be nice to work with you in one of my travels :D

i am in MM as Eva Lunia and on insta as Eva_lunia also have a mail: evaluniaevalunia arrobas Gmail dot com

best wishes from Barcelona!
Guest 04-Dec-2012 02:37
Wonderful galleries. Best. J
artist04-Aug-2012 11:05
Hi ... you are so creative . I like your works so much....I am an artist from Udaipur , India.i paint on canvas, paper etc .. i hope we can be good friends ..

what more can i say .. except keep-smiling ..
Guest 09-Dec-2011 07:40
Blimey Stan, you are a good photographer!
Mei 23-Oct-2011 06:22
Hi Stan!!!! Seems like you have many new works placed up here!!! Love the pics! 'Hi' to Parco!
kabatbut19-Jul-2011 09:19
Thanks for sharing, stunning shots your an inspiration.

don_a18-Jun-2011 21:13
Its your favorite naughty sling shot warrior... wow you are an amazing and talented human being... my hat goes off to you and your work of images of me has won numerous awards by far to set the record that it only has " Show Case Awards " thank you ... for making me such a beautiful figure in many of your viewers eyes... its the beauty you bring out in me...much appreciation for all .. Sakura "exceptional with lots of experience"
Big bear02-Mar-2011 04:18
hello .your photos are very artistic inspirationCso thanks..
Guest 14-Oct-2010 09:14
Guest 14-Oct-2010 08:38
Hi Stan.
Just want to say about me and make a clear.
I did to separate with Ludwig (husband) 2months and half.since he did slap and to beat me in the cafe''
I even can't go to my profile and he stop every connection from me.
Sorry,to talk about my private life to you.
If you feel free to contact me is:
Tel.0032 4766 92995

Best regard.
Lynn Clifford 17-Sep-2010 20:32
Hi Stan,
Thanks for the opportunity to view your gallery.
That got rid of a couple of hours. My pick of the images, Yumi - "angel of angels, geometry"
I live in Queensland, Australia, hobby photographer,
thanks again
SAKURA 18-Jul-2010 08:57
Guest 30-Jun-2010 22:33
Glad you have a pbase! I love pbase!!!
PauloCGama21-Jun-2010 18:11
Stan, congratulations for your work!
Thanks for sharing. Cheers
John O'Berry 05-Apr-2010 17:11
Hi Stan,

I really enjoyed your photos, it is very inspirational, I have been asked to shoot a "Fine Art" Nude series. It will be my first attempt and your work has given me many ideas.

Thanks for sharing you outstanding work.


Mark Nash 14-Feb-2010 03:04
Hi Stan,

I enjoyed surfing through your photos. I am still new to photography, so I am still learning especially about lighting. Awesome photos.

Have a nice day.

krishan01-Feb-2010 09:56
Hi.... like your photos so much..... you are really great photographer..... im an artist and i paint on canvas. I hope we can be good friends.

Mohamed Mahmoud06-Jan-2010 19:53
Hey Stan,

Thanks a lot for your comments and words on my Guestbook, I have been enjoying your work since I started here on PB few years back, and consider your photos a master class in innovation.
I never did nudes so far, will start very soon :), yes it is lots of fun and loads of self satisfaction, is what I get from this passion about photography.

Happy new year
hermankervel24-Dec-2009 20:05
amazing collection stan

best regards from the netherlands
Guest 22-Apr-2009 20:58
Very nice gallery, fantastic photos.

Kind regards from Poland
StweetyConnie 19-Oct-2008 16:45
nice port and great shoots.
Guest 23-Sep-2008 06:03
Great Gallery of pictures!
Fotis D. Tirokomos29-May-2008 13:21
superman is clark kent
TuTmin21-May-2008 08:07
beautiful gallery.keep up the good work.
Saso Stavrev14-Jan-2008 11:37
Hallo Stan. I find out that you keep very interesting galleries at PBase. So many new ideas, so many good realizations, so many things to have it on my mind. First of all and thanks for sharing your work with us. Keep on tracking good places, angles, girls... and congratulations on your first ten million hits soon to be at PBase. Take care
Guest 26-Dec-2007 22:58
Looks like you need to update your site. Some of the comments on your "For Sale" page are years old.
kimene S07-Dec-2007 02:46
Your work is awe inspiring! Absolutely wonderful! Thankyou for sharing them.
Manfred Bachmann27-Nov-2007 00:06
Thank you for all your great galleries Stan! You are one of the few longtime favorites for me and really a great inspiration! I like your style and your good eye for composition and taste for balance. I wish i could have such gorgeous models like you have!
Keep up your great work my friend!
Guest 25-Oct-2007 16:40
you are one of the best on pbase. your work is sensual and teasing.
Ron Luino10-Oct-2007 02:09
Enjoyed viewing your galleries. Your shots are amazing!
wildoat25-Sep-2007 09:36
You obviously have your own style which really works.
I`d say your skill with the camera is matched by your imagination, what a combination.
best wishes.
Barry S Moore20-Sep-2007 10:45
A most enjoyable and inspiration set of photographs. I have added you to my favourites for a return visit and further viewing.
Guest 21-Jul-2007 04:37
Greetings Stan
Extremely nice work. After reading your profile, you must consider visiting if you haven't already. And keep up the great work.
Guest 14-Jun-2007 07:08
One of the best photo collections here.
Guest 09-Jun-2007 03:38
Guest 07-Mar-2007 14:28
I really envy your pictures.
Dan Chusid01-Jan-2007 23:10
Good stuff Stan!
Nice meeting you recently at Jane's house gig.
Happy New year to you and yours.
Guest 11-Nov-2006 02:42
I love your model shots. Very interesting, fun, fresh, expressive.

One of a kind shooter!!
Guest 27-Oct-2006 17:16
Hi Stan, I very enjoyed looking at your galleries full of creativity. My compliments! And by the way, your models are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing it and for inspiration! Martin
pr_rajan06-Oct-2006 04:26
Guest 13-Sep-2006 10:48
Stan, I stumbled upon your gallery of wonderful shots. you do some very awesome work. I would like to see some exif info attached to some of the shots. (not all, but some, just to give me an idea of f stop, ISO and shutter). Stop by my place sometime! Thanks, Chad
Chanielle 11-Sep-2006 21:54
I think your work is amazing. You photos are very sexy and very creatative.
Guest 23-Aug-2006 04:15
Thanks for letting me know about your new galleries. Great lighting and great models. Doug.
stephanie yarbrough 06-Jul-2006 18:24
I'm so interested in working with you again...let's make showcase....#omp246819
Karen 06-Jul-2006 07:53
What a great site
Andrew 03-Jul-2006 14:37
Enjoyed a lot!
Brian 30-Jun-2006 11:04
Keep up the good work
Guest 20-Jun-2006 07:34
u are one creative dude. keep up the good work. If you have any suggestions on my gallery, please tell!
Guest 03-Jun-2006 17:34
Thank you very much for your nice comments. It is a pleasure to read, as it is a pleasure
to look at your work...
hope, wish, mmm, dream I can come over to California...

Hans Novak31-May-2006 08:23
Hello - Your models are TOP.
James21-Apr-2006 19:06

Very nice glamour shots, with very nice lighting. Thanks for sharing!
Cherifta 18-Apr-2006 02:25
Hey Stan, I keep looking at your photos and eagerly awaiting for when I get back to San Diego so we can do some more work. I love your pics.
Fernando 20-Jan-2006 19:45
Very good work, congrats From venezuela
Guest 25-Sep-2005 06:22
I do love your work. excellent
benny 24-Sep-2005 08:51
Är du ocksĂ„ svensk? ok ny heter
Guest 07-Sep-2005 17:26
I have no words for your work. You're an Artist, with a capital A.
hong 05-Aug-2005 13:36
Love the pictures. very sensual but not sleazy. Keep up the good work.
Ganesh 03-Aug-2005 10:36
How can you be "schutze" a good photographer ? Simply Amazing !!
paul yung29-Jul-2005 17:17
Nice collection of photos. Congrats!
Guest 01-Jul-2005 04:45
Hello, Wow, you've got some great photo gallerie. keep up the good work
greetings, selena
Guest 10-Jun-2005 23:04
Stan, just stumbled upon your model galleries and got lost in them for about an hour! Wonderful work! Creative and excellent use of light.
Guest 26-May-2005 13:11
stan, ruthie sent me to your site with a wink and a grin. ;) she said i would love it! she was right and you are very creative with wonderful ideas. fantastic portraits! i bet the models love you, which really isn't a bad place to be. lol! enjoyed my visit here!
Guest 15-May-2005 23:16
Stan, love your model photos. You have a great eye for choosing them, they are all beautiful in a different way. Not like typical "magazine" models, no fake beauty or enhancement.
brian 27-Apr-2005 07:18
Hi Stan, I would reply to your quuestoin on the dpreview site. so will reply here!

i believe that the best travleing notebook around is the fujitsu 7010D. small, yet powerful, long battery life, small screen (means small size in your bag), seperate slot for cf card, wirelsss, dvd burner (for those times that you need to burn a dvd), modular slots for changing the battery or cd room to place other devices. i have bee nusing htis system for about 6 months and i have really enjoyed it. like yourself, ihave a desktop at home for doing all the big work. i only really use the small one for storage, looking at pictures and communicating. its a great little notebook. i believe that you would like it for the same reasons that i like it! please let me know if you have any questions and i will do my best to reply
may 17-Apr-2005 09:02
so great ! !
Janeth 13-Mar-2005 08:10
Hi Stan ,
Just want you to know that I enjoyed looking at your picture galleries. Nice and something touching.... Impressive.. Good luck
ruthemily06-Feb-2005 09:25
I love coming to your site, there's always something new to inspire me! Great stuff, Stan, keep it up!
Guest 24-Jan-2005 06:01
You are an excellent photographer Stan!

Thankyou for sharing all your beauty and talent with us.

Dell Mercer 20-Jan-2005 18:09
Hi Stan,
WOW, You are TALENTED! All the pictures are so creative in composition. Talk about WORK!
Take care.
Hylan Vo 14-Dec-2004 10:53
Love the pictures.
James Deakin25-Nov-2004 02:39
I really enjoyed your galleries. Especially the modelling ones! You never seem to run out of ideas for compostion. Keep it up!
Nicole 01-Nov-2004 20:09
Awesome photos Stan
Terry 01-Nov-2004 16:51
Exquisite photography! Would love to see more.